C1W Team - Congrats and Query

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Post by Geebs » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:16 pm

chauffeur wrote:Succees in German Open. Mallory and Jacquelyn both paddled in the final under floodlight. Jacquelyn got a 3rd place medal.
Hopefully this will encourage others to try C1W and the training days.
Excellent news well done to them both :D

I understand that it was a close race?

Well the first of the training days has passed and from the reports I have had back is that it has been really good and well structured.
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Post by Munchkin » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:46 am

The C1W training days that I attended (Mon/ Tues) were fantastic. The guys that ran the course and the guys that helped were great. All the girls progressed so much over the two days.

One of the girls from our club went from a bit of paddling around the pool to making it as far as the Office (and is now determined to try it in a competition). Some went from never being in a C1 to throwing themselves down the course in the front of a C2 (with one of the experts at the back) and some moving water. Anna T and I went from pointing down the course and making a few eddies to surfing the Muncher. The experienced girls looked like they were being put through their paces too. With such a mix of abilities they were more than able to cater for us all :)

Fingers crossed we are all given another chance to get that level of coaching again soon...

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