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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:43 am
by Seedy Paddler
Whilst I would accept that some remarks may have been posted with good intentions nevertheless it is clear that offence has been taken (in my opinion some with some justification). However I would first of all assure both Anne and Campbell that there are many that do not take issue with your remarks or stance.

Campbells response was not arrogant or egotistical, but that of a focussed competitor. The location of selection was not a consideration just the personal preparation to ensure his continued profession.

Similalrly there is no evidence of leaked policy only rumour and intrigue. So there is no requirement for the Chair to take any action.

I would countenance Anne (in particular) to be wary on entering any discussion through such media. As comments may be taken to reflect policy and management decisions and not personal opinion. It is too easy to be dragged into the mud slinging and as you yourself have stated you would not take unsupported suggestions from anonymous contributors to Committee.

I can recognise that there may be very good technical reasons to have selection abroad on specific sites. It is not without precedent as it has been utilsed both within slalom and other BCU technical disciplines in the past. It is also logical that coaches and team management may discuss the potential of this prior to formulation of policy, it is after all good market research to ensure that a product will meet with mass or uniform acceptance.

The question that was raised at the start of this discussion was if such a point was under consideration. A simple yay or nay would have allowed appropriate feedback rather than emotive mud slinging and conjecture. The actual policy would still have been determined by the Committee, with hopefully a measure of constructive criticism to guide them.

Ultimately whether the suggestion was killed off at the river bank on some GB squad training session or in the smoke filed wood pannelled interior of a deepest Nottingham Committee Room is largely irrelevant. The policy is now published for those who are concerned please now get on with your preparations for selection.

Whilst I also recognise the efforts of GB Canoeing and our elite in their international success. I reserve my opinion on whether GB Canoeing could do more to promote themselves and the sport more effectively and ensure we catch all as they develop. It was not so long ago that at least one of the nominees (and associated parents) were expresssing their concerns to me on the lack of support and problems with GB Canoeing. Had they accepted some of the criticism leveled at that time you may have been less one of your medalists.

I end by offering my countenance to Anne and Campbell not to prolong the puerile debate in response to the above. The board is moderated and if postings offer offence the Moderator is duty bound to edit or remove such postings and ultimately take action on the poster (as indicated and effected above). Please accept the moral high ground and move on !

:O rant Over

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:14 am
by jim croft
:angry: I think it is a sad state of affairs when the Slalom Committee, paddlers and other volunteers are slagged off by people using pseudonyms and not having the guts to reveal their identities. Despite what you have heard on the chat line the Slalom Committee under Anne’s leadership have worked damned hard for all of the sport from the highest paddlers down to the lower end of the sport. It must be remembered that most of the Committee have full time jobs and families to support and free time is precious to us all, yet many of us still find time to organise and run events for all divisions.

Yes, as a Committee we do make mistakes but we are always willing to listen to constructive criticism, yes we sometimes do miss deadlines but very often this is lack of information from other sources.

Despite the flack we will, I assure you, continue to work hard for the good of the sport.
