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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:48 pm
by NKcanoe
S.A.E. for race entries

Is it compulsory to send a Stamped Addressed Envelope for Prem / Div 1 races?
I always send 2 S.A.E, one for start & one for Results, with a 1st class stamp.
I entered the Graveyard Div 1 on 6th March 2020, and just received my start list today 19th March , 2 weeks after the race. No results yet.
I got a note from the Post Office stating that the envelope was under paid by 8p and was charged £1 for the undelivered item. I went to the collection office today to collect envelope, only to find that it was too thick for a standard 1st class postage. I knew it was my S.A.E, so decided not to pay, as the start list & results already posted on Canoe Slalom web page.
Why does the start lists have to be so big, with so much info that the 1st class stamp does not cover the cost of postage. You will need to send an A5 envelope, so the start list won’t need folding, making the envelope too think for posgate.
I have not received my published results yet, but expect to have the same problem again.
Is it worth wasting money on 2 envelopes & 1st class stamps?
Can start lists & results be printed on both sides of A4 sheet?

Has anyone else had this problem with postage?


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:40 pm
by Munchkin
I think you only need to send them if you want a hard copy of the start list and the results sent to you in advance. I don't bother as most of the time they appear on here in advance anyway.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:58 am
by jim croft
If you read the 2010 slalomyearbook you should use a C5 envelope page 74 UK11.4.7

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:39 pm
by PeterC
As an organiser I would rather get an eMail address then I can not only send you out a start list but also any updates. This would to me be preferable to increasing Royal Mail profits.

Many of us also use the kind offices of Nick Penfold and have them posted on the web site.
