
General slalom chatter...rant about the bad, rave about the good
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Post by djberriman » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:17 pm

Please can I remind all organisers that if during your event any Tutti equipment fails it is your responsibility to send it to be repaired and not simple dump it back on the tutti boxes and pass it on.

Not sending it off leads to some poor sod eventually ending up with Tutti which has so many faults its not possible to run an event. We have received Tutti every year with faults and each year it seems to be more, this year we had 4 faulty boxes on arrival, 3 faulty headets and a number of faulty wires. Even though we only had four judging points that left us with NO spares. Fortunately the weather was kind, we had no more failures and I managed to repair 2 boxes on site.

I know its the last thing on everyones mind when you are packing up after a long weekend but please think of the next organiser and make a concerted effort to return faulty Tutti. If you email Andy Hounslow and inform him of the faults he can send our replacements to the next organiser so they have a full set of working Tutti for their event.

Chris Baillie
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:22 pm

Re: Tutti

Post by Chris Baillie » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:05 am

Just a clarification for Scottish organisers the person to notify about faulty tutti equipment is Ken Baillie kensbaillie@gmail.com, and even better send the faulty parts with an AKC paddler at your event back to Aberdeen.



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