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ACM Deadline Approaching

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:01 am
by Canadian Paddler
The deadline for me to received ACM Motions is next Thursday. I will accept motions by email, as long as I get two seperate emails, one from the proposer and one fron the seconder, and an assurance that the motion represents the view of the club(s) and has been discussed by the club (or clubs) committee.
I am wary of this having had a motion ruled unconstitutional when someone stood up at an ACM and said the seconding club had not discussed this at their commitee. The then chair ruled that the proposing club could not change to propose and second at the meeting, so the motion failed without deabte.

Despite all the discussions on this board I have only had two non committee motions so far:
  • Portable Points
  • Enhanced fee for on line entry
So all the other threads are just discussions, if you want them at the ACM get moving, tlak to your committee and get me the motions by Thursday. If you rely on someone else then the motion will probably not be put. We cannot add business at the ACM, we can ONLY debate that which is on the Agenda

Colin Woodgate
(colinwoodgate at btinternet dot com as in the yearbook)