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6.18 Statutes / Regulations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:25 pm
by Canadian Paddler
6.18 Statutes / Regulations
This motion affects the Regulations, so requires a 2/3 majority and approval by the BC board
This has been ‘on the cards’ for the past few years. In 2015 BC suggested that they were going to propose a ‘standard set of regulations for all disciplines to use’. This standard is still awaited.
Meanwhile the regulations are basically those that were in place before federalisation with a few name changes by the then Secretary. Some of these names have since been replaced, such as ‘British Canoe Union’. This committee authorises the Secretary to update the names appropriately. Further it instructs him to press British Canoeing at the highest level for either a ‘standard’ or guidance in how the regulations should have changed for Federalisation.

Re: 6.18 Statutes / Regulations

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:55 pm
by Canadian Paddler
This motion was handled under article 5.9 and voted on immediately. It was adopted nem con