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Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:23 am
by Spiderman
Having recently got back into slalom this season I am back here on this brilliant forum and website to share, find and distribute slalom related information. But I am very puzzled by the number of people who simply come here to take and seemingly not give or contribute very much or even nothing at all.

Each topic gets hundreds and hundreds of views.....but very few or even no replies!! Why is this? C'mon peeps, contribute in some small way to make the forum worth its existence. The more who contribute the more popular it becomes and the more benefit it serves! This website and forum are here for one and all to enjoy, free and gratis. The least you could do is spend a few minutes to say something about what you have read don't you think?

I started a topic regarding the Ski Slope event just to really say thanks to one and all......hundreds of views but not a single reply! Tully event was a whole week ago now and there is nothing about it at all on this forum! Zilch! Nada! Nix! Nienta! Was it really SO dull and uninteresting? Did nobody feel like saying ANYTHING about it? Not even "It was freezing!"??? It usually takes a while for the results to appear formally but does nobody get a mention for winning ANY of the classes? Anyone wishing to read up on our sport will think it must be as dull as dishwater if there is nowt to talk about!

I dare say this topic will get the same zillion views but please could someone add a comment or two? Even if it is just to prove to me that I have not entered the Twylight Zone!? There must be a shedload of you out there who read all the stuff here but say little or nothing so please give a thought to all users here and add your two penneth to posts so the ones doing all the posting get to read something they have not written themselves!!

Thankyou for reading.........and now???? :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:51 am
by Spiderman
Ok, so in just 2 days 128 of you (or maybe less if there are some who have viewed this topic more than once) have decided that you are still not prepared to contribute. In any way at all. :( I dare say the same people will now be reading this due to it being a reply to a topic that you are already not at all interested in so again I have to ask, why are you reading this? I do hope I will make some feel guilty or even cause a little uneasiness at your reluctance to contribute. Any response would be a start! This is the rants and raves section so what better place for me to rant and rave at all you silent freeloaders. You probably do not tip in restaurants nor contribute to the charity tin in town either right? Well, it is just as well that some people contribute here or you woud have nothing to read I suppose. But let me guess.....maybe then you would complain that there is no forum for canoe slalom right? I will post again (ranting and raving more quite possibly) when the veiws on this topic reach 250. And I am betting they will - but maybe someone will comment in some way before then ;-)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:49 am
by Canadian Paddler
My only comment is that I am jealous of all that have got out on the water this year - chaos at work, and commuting have severly curtailed my paddling.

WOuld love to know how the events have gone, and what is happening, not even got feedback from club members as I have not got down there yet.

Yep number of visits still going up, but just two comments, Spidy and I, just two garulous old fogies I guess (opening for Seedy to join in old foget references...) :)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:31 pm
by dsamartin
Thought I would add my views of the two Tully weekends: Div1/2 + Pan Celtic--Good water levels, challenging but fair courses resulted in a good weekend's racing.
Double Prem weekend--Good technical course Saturday, excellent changes for Sunday's course in view of rising river levels.
Many, many thanks to the SCA/CR Cats who provided much welcomed shelter, food and hospitality in the Grandtully Hotel.
Us non-paddlers enjoyed the delights that only Scotland in March can offer--lots of snow!!! Looking forward to next years events :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:58 am
by Spiderman
Whoops! I was right and the views have zipped up to 100 more than the 250 already! Whooooshhhhhh!!!

Hi DS, Thanks for the Tully details. It was snowing down here also (Bedford) for the first weekend and I admit to crying off my weekly Sunday session as it was snowing so much! Tully is for the hardy ones for sure! However, do you know who had it toughest in a canoe that weekend? All those who paddled in the Devizes-Westminster 125 miler! As a "strictly slalom" kinda guy I really think marathon paddlers are essentially bonkers. But to persevere in those conditions, I really must take my hat off to them. I read that 50% retired about half way due to the weather and cold and prospect of hypothermia! At least we slalomists only have it tough for a few minutes at a time! Check out the website here:-

I hear Tim & Etienne won both C2 events at Tully so a big "YAY!" to them! Check out their website at where you can see a video of one of their runs at Tully plus more vids and pics.

I will pop back at ...erm...say 450? :-)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:19 am
by Munchkin
I only reply to topics I think I can say something worthwhile in.

I am not a Vet and don't know how the current system works so was interested in reading the thread but do not have any thoughts as to how the system should be run.

On the other hand I was at Shepperton so felt that I could comment on that thread.

I check the website a couple of times during the day (like CP I am a commuter but with not much work on right now!).

If anyone starts a thread on Marple, Matlock or Sowerby Bridge I will try and contribute!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:22 am
by Spiderman
Munchkin wrote:I only reply to topics I think I can say something worthwhile in.

I am not a Vet and don't know how the current system works so was interested in reading the thread but do not have any thoughts as to how the system should be run.

On the other hand I was at Shepperton so felt that I could comment on that thread.

I check the website a couple of times during the day (like CP I am a commuter but with not much work on right now!).

If anyone starts a thread on Marple, Matlock or Sowerby Bridge I will try and contribute!
Oh wow! we hit 630 already! Hi Munchkin. Not sure why you raise the subject of vets and sheppers. Maybe because you saw me posting in those topics but I am not suggesting that everyone should post in the same ones. The Forum is a place for all topics slalom related (and seems some not too!).

You say you only reply to certain topics and you also say if anyone starts a thread on something related to your own canoeing activities you will try and contribute. May I respectfully suggest that you actually take the first step and create the topics in the first instance? There really should be a thread/topic for each event on this Forum and really those who come here looking for a specific thread but not finding it should start it and be pleasantly surprised when a discussion follows :-)

The Forum is a self fulfilling proficy and the more who contribute the more interest it will develop and then more will contribute etc etc. I accept that we are all different sorts of people. Some loud (ie me!) some quiet, some funny, some angry, some philisophical, some contentious. Also there are some who like to instigate and some who like to reciprocate. I just wish a few of all these sorts of people would be minded to instigate a bit more :-) But well done for chipping in Munchkin :-)

A good start to a thread/topic for an event would be to firstly flag it up in case someone has overlooked it on the calendar and maybe then raise any questions you may have about the event. Maybe put a link in the post to the map/site/satnav details here on this website or something helpful for others to find the place. Raise the subject of reducing your carbon footprint even! That means asking for a lift I think! lol.

You commute? Oh my! I was working from home since last Thursday :-) I have the carbon footprint of a three year old! :-) This thread may run and run so its a free for all open discussion about allsorts. Back at 850 as its getting too hectic now! lol :-)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:24 am
by Munchkin
Ah, I listed the Vets discussion because it is currently live and Shepperton because it was the last one I posted on. No other reasons (at this time in the morning I am not awake enough to think more deeply than that!).

I would start a post if I had anything I wanted to ask but usually if I have a question I go to the organisers directly as they all seem to be very nice people and answer my questions :-)

The only question I have for Marple is how am I going to stay upright when I only have one paddle blade? Me and my bright ideas!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:26 am
by Munchkin
Oh, and I am one of the lucky ones that sits on the floor of the train to commute - not sure what that does to my carbon footprint but footprint or not, if I could drive in the same time I would as I object to paying First Capital Connect £3k+ per annum for a bit of floor space and poor service.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:28 am
by SteveM
Spiderman wrote:Thankyou for reading.........and now???? :-)

Thankyou for posting :)

I've got to confess that even though this is my site I've got a little distant from slalom (my paddling buddy had a baby and lost interest) and I don't visit as much as I should.

I'm honestly amazed that the site runs itself so well. I bet there aren't many sports with web forums this polite, helpful and constructive :)

I might even have to get re-ranked....


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:31 am
by SteveM
PS. I think the view counts may be artificially high. This site is regularly attacked by Russian spam-bots as it's readable without having to login first.

Never post your email address on the board!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:50 am
by Spiderman
Ah! Good tip Steve thanks! Yes, the views are amazing and I just cannot believe so many genuine paddlers are reading this! I noted there were ONLY 24 competitors at Yalding div 3 and 4 event on the Saturday! :-( That is just pitifull! I feel so soryy for the organisers and applaud them for doing the same amount of setting up as a well attended event for so few paddlers. What is happening to this sport? When I spoke to Graham Macareth (Mr Pyranha) about why he stopped making slalom boats he said there was nowhere near the demand that existed for these silly playboat things! (my description not his!) Where have all the novices and lower division paddlers gone? How can we expect to produce those at the top if nobody is coming in at the bottom? I am stunned that we have such a high standard of paddlers (measured internationally) from such a small contigent. More people need to do more to get kids in slalom boats instead of this squitty little plastic sausages!

Munchkin......seems u got a carbon bumprint instead of a footprint then! lol

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:20 am
by PaulBolton

here's my score:

2 children:

1 adores slalom and will be giving it his best at Marple this weekend. Aged 10, second season.

Daughter shows massive slalom potential but now won't touch canoeing as she's obsessed with jumping over things on a horse.

50% success!!!

However, as someone who started slalom in it's heyday of the early 80s, I too find some attendances very disappointing. I can remember having to do a run at 0752 as the early start was the only way of getting all the competitors through!! My daughter also demonstrates that it's not just playboating that competes with slalom but just about every other sport available.

See everyone at Marple, Matlock, Oughtibridge, the Graveyard etc



Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:33 pm
by Munchkin
On the point of numbers...

Last year was my first full K1 one season. I got into the sport because I was talked into giving the C2 a go by a friend of mine, enjoyed it, was then talked into trying the K1.

I think that one of the main barriers to entry is cost/ time. No, I am not having a go at the organisers etc as I know they put in a lot of work. It is more that in an area like ours we will get a few people going to Cardington, Nene, Harefield and Orton Mere which are within or around an hours drive. Anything else and it is hard to convince people to join you because of the costs of petrol, accomodation and entry (we have club kit people can borrow). Given the choice most would chose to spend more time on the river and not compete.

On top of that my C2 partner and I travelled around the country with our old sieve entering events to try and get promoted. Most of those events we "won" but because there were only 2 teams and our times were not quite quick enough against the K1 men we did not get promoted. We even beat some Div 2/3 C2 teams in terms of time but still could not get promoted. We made it in the end though :-) Maybe other people do not have the same perserverence and support (we had to get promoted since CP was being so supportive) that we had and got demoralised after their first non-quotate event?

We are working on it though. CP will be pleased to hear that I have (or should have) another C2 crew (me + 1) for Orton Mere and hopefully a few willing to try out the K1. We even have enough paddlers this year to put in a team for the Interclubs (if we can qualify).

Finally, I know that for many the ultimate goal is to get world class level competitors (that is particularly clear from some of the conversations on the board) but perhaps there should be more concerned about the lack of participation across the board (not just juniors). Without us there is no competition. I would like to training events held by the Slalom Committee/ Clubs with the facilities to encourage those that don't fit into the elite and junior categories. Our club has some very kind volunteers that pass on their experience in slalom to the rest of us but I think an organised weekend away (on moving water) with a dedicated slalom coach would assist those of us already competing and encourage a few more to try...

See Spiderman, once you find a topic I feel I can contribute in you can't stop me :-)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:18 pm
by PaulBolton
Munchkin says:

"I think that one of the main barriers to entry is cost/ time."

Agreed, but slalom is cheaper/comparable to many sports. It cost me over £40 last week for novice entry fees for my daughter at a Gymkhana. Look at green fees in golf and compare to an all day session on HPP for £10 (although being a duffer and trying to train around slalom gods, and use their courses, takes some getting used to!) There has also been a vibrant discussion on double events (in Div 1 anyway) based upon cost/time/value/practicality. Shorter boats seems to have caused a minor renaissance, but the issues limiting slalom participation are complex.

I wonder if more money went to clubs there would be more events. I know of one club that runs an event with 4 people and say they'd be better off, and get a free weekend, if they each put a tenner into the club account. To support clubs is my reason for eating constantly from the refreshment tent!!!

Cheers, Paul