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Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:53 pm
by 80-1219672301
I've read the thread viz coaching on "events" but am still a bit confused.

Is it possible for a non-paddler to be a slalom coach? I'm a qualified coach in other sports (non boating) but dont paddle (indulge in a little recreational open canoe stuff and do sail but that's all). Having watched a lot of sports coaching I'm becoming more and more convinced that coaching techniques from "other" sports are transferable and also in many ways desireable - but then I am not a paddler and may be missing something crucial.

Any thoughts and IS there a qualification for non- paddling slalom coaches?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:52 pm
by Munchkin
I gather there is but that the slalom coaching stuff is in the process of being re-written so no-one knows what it is at the moment. My husband is interested in going along that route too...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:15 pm
by John Sturgess

You are right - not only are coaching skills transferable - the UKCC structure to which the BCU is now switching is based on the principle that 75% of what a slalom coach needs to know is exactly the same as 75% of what a Rugby/Badminton/anything else coach needs to know

The 'old' slalom coaching system, which I administered for several years, and trained/assessed a lot of the coaches, worked on the basis that Slalom coaching is done from the bank, so it did not matter if you were a paddler or not. However that system has now been closed down and is unavailable to new coaches.

You now have to do a Generic (i.e. across all canoeing disciplines) Level 1 and level 2; there will be an add-on Slalom module for Level 2 (not yet available as far as I know); and then a specialist Level 3 Slalom Coach qualification (also not yet written as far as I know).

However, the good news as far as you are concerned: the new Generic L1 and L2, unlike their Recreational forebears, will be available both for Bank-based and Boat-based coaches.

So if you look at the Coaching bit of the BCU site, find a suitable Level 1 course, and book on it specifying that you want to be trained and assessed as a Bank-based coach

At least I think that's right ...


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:10 pm
by c2canoeslalom
I'm going through the new UKCC system now and what John has said is correct.

The bank based coach is taught and assessed at the same time but don't need the pre-requisite star tests in canoe and kayak. However I do believe that they have to be trained in the new foundation safety and rescue course which is gradually replacing the old canoe safety test.
