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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:41 pm
by davebrads
I would like to thank Pete Tansey and everyone at Stone for the fantastic event they ran yesterday.

I believe that there were 180 entries which delayed the start until 12.00 because of the time it took to process all the entries, and even with 45 second intervals the event didn't finish until 6.00pm. I had to go home at 4.00pm (mother's day commitments) so I had it easy.

Let's hope this continues through the season.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:04 pm
by General Flangecustard
It was really good to see so many div 4 paddlers. Especially as it was really quite cold because of the wind:laugh:

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:46 pm
by oldandslow
Thanks everyone for a great event. What a fantastic start to the season.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:11 am
by automart
A good day, however it was very long !!!! Surely it would be better to limit the entries to ensure that starts aren't delayed.Six o'clock finish was not good, most competitors had gone home by the time the presentation took place, including most of the prize winners !!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:27 am
by davebrads
I don't think anyone wants to turn competitors away from an event, especially at division 3/4 level. The original start programme will have been based upon an expected entry of about 100 boats, and that was supposed to start at 11.00. It took an extra hour to process the additional entries. Most events have limits (Stone was 200), but they have become a bit nominal and no-one has thought about what happens if that number of competitors turn up.

There's not so many of us can remember the days when this kind of entry was the norm. The events in those days would be programmed to start at 10.00am, and very few entries were taken on the day. With the decline in numbers, organisers and competitors have become used to taking entries on the day and this has become the norm. If we return to this level of entries on a regular basis competitors are going to have to get more organised and start posting entries again.

The day will be just as long, you will just have to get there earlier!