14/ 15 May - Help Wanted - Coaches/ Safety

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Posts: 535
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Post by Munchkin » Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:40 pm

I am running the Div 3/4 event at the Darleks/ HPP in conjunction with the Div 1/2/ Pan Celtic event.

Ideally I would like to run free coaching sessions in the morning for the Div 3/4's followed by the main event in the afternoon. This would hopefully "add value" to the event and encourrage more people to give slalom a try. Would anyone be able to assist with a bit of their time to run the coaching? I will do what I can to organise the coaching around the Div 1/2 event if you are involved in that.

I am also looking for land/ boat based safety for stints throughout the day. This may suit non-slalom paddling other halves/ family members as this may be harder to fit around the main event but any help would bd appreciated. Obviously helpers will get an officials run if they want it!

Thanks in anticipation...


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Post by Alison » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:48 pm

I can find you some safety help from the Cheltenham bunch. We've got a lot of interest already for this particular slalom because it's all our divisions in one place. Rich has said he'd certainally do boat based safety for the div 3/4 if he could have an officals run on the 1/2 course. Let me know how many people you want and I'll see what I can do.


Mark Shaw
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Post by Mark Shaw » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:29 pm

Hi Ali

As long as we can come to some arrangement whereby your club can provide support to both events then I can't see a reason why we couldn't offer judges runs on the 1/2 course. The England slalom committee need to make certain that the 1/2 event doesn't get any less support than in previous years just because there is a 3/4 running at the same venue on the same day. Hopefully we will actually end up with more support than we actually need because other clubs like the idea of all divisions at the same venue.

The above is the personal opinion of Mark Shaw and does not reflect the views of either the BCU or England Slalom Committees.

Posts: 535
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:22 am
Location: Hertfordshire

Post by Munchkin » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:42 pm

Thanks Ali, pm sent.

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