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Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:48 pm
by PeterC
Could any affected please get their entries in as soon as possible as I am now starting to recover from the epic Tully Race and need to get on with Selection. Happy to get an eMail with all your details in advance of cheques which should be payable to the BCU Slalom Committee.

Any volunteers with running ability to help us with collecting all the judging sheets would be very welcome.

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:00 pm
by PeterC
I am getting questions about the timing of racing. Below is a very provisional outline, names will be populating this week and will be published as soon as I can. There are quite a number of 25p's to collect for those that have sent me a double entry fee instead of £30. Panic not.

It also seems there is confusion about fees. It is £30 per C2 crew and £30 per individual in other classes which may be multiple. So someone in C1 and C2 will be due £30 for the C1 plus half of £30 for the C2. I did not make the rules so please do not shoot the messenger!!!

Demo runs Friday 18:30
Forerunners 09:00 11:15
C1W 09:30 11:30
C1M 09:53 11:53
K1M 10:26 12:26
Forerunners 13:45 15:12
K1W 14:00 15:30
C2 14:35 16:05

Demos new course 18:00
Forerunners 09:00 12:30
C2 09:30
K1W 09:52
K1M 10:19
C1M 10:56
C1W 11:22
Finals Start 12:45
Finals Finish 15:05

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:31 am
by pinkboat
Hi Peter, just to clarify _ the International Panel Statement reference selection says "...£30 per person except for paddlers in C2 only, in which case it is £30 per crew (paddlers doubling up only pay one entry fee)"

I took the bracketed bit "paddlers doubling up only pay one entry fee" as exactly what it says, i.e £30 Per Person.

No problem if we have to pay more but please could it be clarified first as the statement, to me anyway, clearly states it is £ 30 per person and not per entry if doubling up.

Thankyou, sorry if I have misinterpreted!

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:52 am
by PeterC
Hi All

I have clarified with GB Canoeing what the intent was with the fees. Please nobody worry I will sort it all out fairly at Lee Valley if not before. It should be as follows:

Paddler A paddles in K1 & C1 - fee £30.
Paddler A paddles in C1 & C2 with paddler B who doesn't paddle another class - total fee £45
Paddler A paddles in C1 & C2 with paddler B who paddles in K1 - total fee £60

We have not yet figured out what happens with someone who paddles K1, C1 & C2 yet but nobody yet trying to do that!!!

I know it does not say £15 per C2 paddler but this is the closest to the intent!

I will try and get start list provisionally done tomorrow.

Please do not shoot the messenger!

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:57 am
by bankside
Understand that paddlers receive a ticket for one spectator to the event.
Is that so?

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:53 pm
by PeterC
Sorry but I have no idea at the moment. GB Canoeing is responsible for the spectator side of the event. If I can get an answer I will post it or could you take up directly with them.

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:45 pm
by PeterC
Provisional Start List is done and has been eMailed to everyone who has given me an eMail address, assuming I could read it correctly on the cards. Quite a few have failed!!!

If you want a start list before it gets posted on the website then I will respond to eMail requests.

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:40 pm
by PeterC
Final start list now done and am aiming that we will run to these times regardless now barring something unpredictable!

Hopefully will be up on the website soon.

If there is an RTC marked against you then it generally means you sent £29.75 instead of £30, you can see you were not alone. I do not want cheques for 25p however if you could have the correct change when you come to pay your dues at the event it would be greatly appreciated, I am not going to have change for lots of £10 notes!

Spectator tickets (2 X 1 day) will be available for athletes to collect with their accreditation documentation.

Entries have now closed and any further changes unless they are my mistakes will require pleading.

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:51 am
by JaneS
What a great event, thanks and respect to everyone involved in organising. It ran really well, and with the big screen, live scores and commentary was a fantastic spectator experience. Also thought the HPP organisation was excellent too. Lots of hard work going on behind the scenes....

Re: Lee Valley Selection

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:42 pm
by PeterC
Thanks Jane. I would also note thanks for the effort of the huge number of volunteers which made it happen. Volunteers outnumbered the paddlers and did extremely well in the less than seasonable conditions at Lee Valley.