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Is something wrong with our sport? Nov 29

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:39 pm
by Canadian Paddler
Upset about something that happened this year, and think it can be improved? Think you can do a better job than the current committee? Have your say at the ACMThe event this year will be at the British Canoeing HQ at Holme Pierrepont. on November 29th.

So you can come to the ACM and have your say on the way the sport is run, then go to the Canoe Slalom wards dinner in the evening ... cation.pdf, maybe with a splash on HPP mixed in there.

Motions for the ACM have to be with the secretary (ME!!) 30 days before the event (yearbook page 190 5.6) So you have until 30 October to get the motions to me.

If you want to be Chair, Vice Chair, or Treasurer then get a motion put in, remember Anne Hounslow is standing down this year. Want to be on teh committee, just get someone to propose you either at the event to by email / letter to me before.

Want to take over as secretary? Get a motion in, I will resign and hey presto we have an election! :twisted:

Re: Is something wrong with our sport? Nov 29

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:53 pm
by Dee
Where's a like button when you need one :lol: I think hoping someone will put you in a position to resign may be a touch of wishful thinking, but you never know.....