Olympic Selection

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Olympic Selection

Post by jjayes » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:45 am

The British Olympic Association (BOA) has named five slalom canoe athletes as officially selected to compete for Team GB at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Good to see they agree with the race results!
What Kind of nonsence is it in this day and age, that we need the BOA to say they agree.  Do they ever not agree with national governing bodies selection of athletes?  

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Re: Olympic Selection

Post by Carlosvalderama » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:40 pm

Well I suppose they could be a drug cheat who's ok to compete within his sport but the BOA don't want them at the Olympics. i.e. Dwain Chambers, David Millar.

While we're on the subject and the fact there is punditary in most other sports, what are peoples views on how well "team GB" will do? It's interesting looking at how the other national teams are lining up. Some people you'd expect to get through (Estanget, Molmenti etc) but some that didn't (Lafevre spings to mind).

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Re: Olympic Selection

Post by jjayes » Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:06 pm

Its funny that you should mention Dwain Chambers, David Millar. We will find out this week if they are in despite the BOA views and judgements. From all I have read it seems the BOA can do nothing about it and that they were legally if not morally wrong to give life bans from the Olympics in the first place.

My point is it seems overly bureaucratic and probably costly for them to be involved in the athletes selection process at all.

As to how well team GB will do is a good question."World Class" is a term thrown around a lot these days, but what does that really mean? The one thing you can be sure of is that once in the Olympic team it is a lot easier to win medal's than at a World Championships as so many top athletes are not at the games. Some nation have a number of athletes who can medal at world level and they will not be there.

Is it possible GB athletes can win medals the answer has to be yes. Make no mistake, we have some of the most dedicated athlete's and coaches there are in the GB team. With two C2's in the race we have a excellent chance and it would not be inconceivable to get two medals on the day. The standard of racing at selection in the other classes was very impressive especially from the athletes that made the team, with all winning 3 out of 3 events, proving they all have great consistency. Will they have the speed and cleanliness on the day to take medals or even Gold is the only question and its not long now until we find the answer. The future of GB Canoeing and "World Class" funding will depend on it!

Anybody interested in placing bets with your own money and not lottery funding?

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Re: Olympic Selection

Post by Carlosvalderama » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:14 pm

jjayes wrote:
As to how well team GB will do is a good question."World Class" is a term thrown around a lot these days, but what does that really mean? The one thing you can be sure of is that once in the Olympic team it is a lot easier to win medal's than at a World Championships as so many top athletes are not at the games. Some nation have a number of athletes who can medal at world level and they will not be there.
I agree. 1996 was probably the last Olympics where it was all the best paddlers in the world.

With regards to GB medals, If we based predictions on recent worlds performance then we would maybe expect a bronze at the most. No chance of a gold.

However this is the olympics are different. I think it will be interesting to see how Florence and Hounslow manage competing in the 2 classes. It was a fantastic achievement to qualify but feel medaling in all their classes will be difficult.

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