Advice Please

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Advice Please

Post by davieq » Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:00 pm

Ok, so I am the wrong side of 49 and 3/4 and need some advice. Having reached the dizzy heights of Div 1 I am now plying my trade in Vets and really enjoying my racing, just looking for some info on race day preparation, what to eat, when to eat, warm up routines etc. Never had any formal coaching,jsut looking for some info to make the best of my racing days. Any advice would be greatfully appreciated.


Davie :D

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Re: Advice Please

Post by Terryg » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:15 am


I have no special diet, I try and eat well during the week leading up to the event, but nothing out of the ordinary.
On the day, I try not to eat anything substantial within 2hrs of the run (if the runs are an hr apart I do not eat too much between them).
For a double event I make sure I eat well on the Saturday night, and get a good nights sleep.

I have found the biggest effect on performance is caused by hydration. I always take a lot of drink to events and start rehydrating as soon as I get off the water after a run.
I try not to drink more than the odd sip in the half hr before the run.

Mentally, I tend to tell myself I am going to beat every other b*stard as I drive to the event. If possible I will walk the course from both banks, to get an idea of the options.
I try and get as much practice as possible, but if the runs are getting worse I stop. Once I know I can get the gates, and the best way of doing them, then I have the confidence to sort it out on the run.

Depending on the weather, I will probably have a short warm up session on the river about half an hr before the run. Nothing strenuous, just start paddling gently, then build up to race speed.
Keep warm until the run.

On the start line I just focus on the first couple of gates.

Hope this helps, but not enough for you to beat me ;-)

Posts: 67
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:06 pm
Location: Scotland

Re: Advice Please

Post by davieq » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:51 pm

Thanks for the info it is much appreciated, especially the parts about hydration, I always take plenty and tend to need it immediately after coming off the water, but I probably drink too much before a run, I will give your tips a go.

I am after your No 1 Bib this year :D Really need to try and get down to your home water, did it last year with Mr Radmore (successfully !!!)



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