Lee Valley Div 2/3 slalom - Competency assessment

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Post by katonas » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:27 pm


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Post by katonas » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:09 pm


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Post by Munchkin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:11 pm

Not sure where Viking KC comes from? The event is being run by the slalom committee. Mr Munchkin is the contact for entries but Anne is the one liasing with the venue.

I don't know how much time you think there will be on the Saturday for assessments (or who will pay the water time) but looking at the piles of envelopes landing on our doorstep each evening I would suggest you start getting your nightlights ready!

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Post by Munchkin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:14 pm

Ps with regard to your second post perhaps you should contact the committee as you seem to be trying to replicate work they are already doing which may not impress the venue - especially as it was my (a prem paddlers) broken leg that was one of the causes of these assessments in the first place!!!

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Post by katonas » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:19 pm

Hi Munchkin,
I couldn't find out any information about the assessments and thought I'd just share the centre's replies with the forum to save people asking the same questions. I asked if the centre could watch the first runs on Saturday as a form of assessment, and that they might liase with the course setters so the course set would allow for a run to demonstrate competence to paddle on the easier course. I was as surprised as you by their reply that everyone would receive an assessment, which is why I made the above posting. I hoped to paddle on the sunday after the event even though there were no appointments for assessments, and let the centre know that there might be others like me. I'm the only slalom paddler in my club so I'm in a bit of a void when it comes to this sort of info. Sorry if my suggestions have trodden on anyone's toes (now deleted), I was just trying to be helpful, and the centre didn't tell me anyone was discussing assessments with them.

Sorry to hear about your leg. Please share your thoughts about the course so I can know more about it. After seeing youtube clips of the olympic course, I know I'm not good enough for that, but I heard a rumour that the legacy course was about the same standard as Cardiff which I'm happy on.

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Post by Munchkin » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:35 am

No problems - I thought I would let you know what was going on.

Ummm... the leg... Not sure I should share my thoughts! I think the Olympic course is great and very challenging - just what you would expect from the Olympic venue. I think it is more akin to Alpine water so being in Prem (having paddled at HPP, Cardiff, Tully etc only) would not help. If you have been international venues that may help.

My only complaint is the shape of the blocks used to create the course. I honestly think that if the round blocks that are at places like HPP had been there I would not have broken my leg. You do not get square rocks in rivers and I can't see that they have a place in artificial rivers...

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Post by katonas » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:56 am

Munchkin, do you think having rafts/ lots of kayaks on such big continuous water (olympic course) at the same time is dangerous no matter how good the paddlers are ? Presumably some of those stoppers are really grabby, so getting out of the way of a raft might not be easy.

I was wrong to think all prem paddlers would be safe. When you're in div2 its easy to view paddlers so much better as gods, especially when you see five of them playing in the office at HPP.

Its a good point making the course as safe as possible for swimmers - you deserve an award for bravery after such an ordeal. Hope you're back to paddling again soon (if you're not already).

The more I think about it, the more I'm determined to only ever spectate the olympic course, even if someone told me I was allowed. I think my boat would be a danger to others.

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Post by Munchkin » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:59 pm

I would have to see the course with raafts/ other paddlers on to really comment as I have only seen it during competition times where there is one paddler on the course. However, knowing the chaos that can occur at HPP with playboaters/ squirt boaters/ slalom boaters and rafts all on the same bit of water and all wanting to do different things I can see that the Olympic Course could be a lot worse. At least with HPP there are eddys to sit in, though no assessments so anyone at any level can be there...

I plan to get back on moving water as soon as my Dr/ husband/ physio (probably not in that order!) allow me. For the Olympic course, once I get back to that level, I will try and go during sessions where it is privately hired out rather than public sessions, at least until I know it well enough to be happy pulling over for rafters. At the moment I have only done 1 flatwater session (without footrests!) so I can see this being some time in the future.

I wouldn't write it off as a venue to paddle in the future but take it in easy to manage steps. If you ever get a chance to go on an Alps trip I would practice there first!!!

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Post by katonas » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:36 pm

An Alps trip....now there's a wonderful dream. I'll have to see if my wife/ children/ work/ finances /opportunity allow me next year (probably not in that order ;)

Neil H
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Post by Neil H » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:23 pm

Munchkin wrote:I plan to get back on moving water as soon as my Dr/ husband/ physio (probably not in that order!) allow me.

I would go in this order

Husband - sorry Andy nothing to do with you

It's based on the fact that I've never hard of an evil Physio

But I have heard of Mengele, Crippen, Shipman and Fred West

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Post by Munchkin » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:30 pm

Neil H wrote:
Munchkin wrote:I plan to get back on moving water as soon as my Dr/ husband/ physio (probably not in that order!) allow me.

It's based on the fact that I've never hard of an evil Physio

But I have heard of Mengele, Crippen, Shipman and Fred West
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Post by Dadstaxi » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:00 pm

"It's based on the fact that I've never hard of an evil Physio"

Obviously never been treated by Kendal then ......... this won't hurt as he flicks your arm! :p

Neil H
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Post by Neil H » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:00 pm

I reckon he might have something to say about being classified as a Physio

kendall chew
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Post by kendall chew » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:41 pm

Thank you Neil,

Dad's taxi; it's time for the wash your mouth out with soap treatment.

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Post by slink » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:42 am

I was as surprised as you by their reply that everyone would receive an assessment, which is why I made the above posting. I hoped to paddle on the sunday after the event even though there were no appointments for assessments, and let the centre know that there might be others like me. I'm the only slalom paddler in my club so I'm in a bit of a void when it comes to this sort of info. Sorry if my suggestions have trodden on anyone's toes (now deleted), I was just trying to be helpful, and the centre didn't tell me anyone was discussing assessments with them.

Hear hear! I have spoken to Lee Valley about exactly the same scenario - regarding paddling on Sunday after the event, not regarding the event itself. Initially there was long discussion about how I was competing on 6th August, as the centre is closed for Olympic stuff, until a voice in the background seemed to recollect "a competition"! There then seemed to be uncertainty, the lady I was speaking to thought "it should be OK" but wanted to check, so I left a phone number and email address, and have also since followed that up with a further email...so far, nothing. I don't know if there's going to be an opportunity to paddle on Sunday (so far they have 3 bookings in some of the slots, so they're not busy!), hopefully I'll find out before we arrive!

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